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 Common Mistakes in English. Page 2


Let's face it, English can be confusing. A lot of words are similar but with different meanings, as a result, it is almost impossible to avoid making mistakes in English.

I compiled this list in hopes that it will help you recognize these and maybe, you have found yourself making the mistakes in which I catch myself, also making.

11. could of or could have


could of = not a phrase. It is often misused because it is so close to "could have."


could have = a correct phrase.




I wonder if I could have won the lottery.




12. here or hear


here = an adverb, to express place, spot.



I am here sitting in the traffic.


I sure wish you were here with me in Bali.


hear = a verb, to be within range of sound; to percieve by ear.



Do you hear that bird?


If only I heard what she had to say before she left me.




13. then or than


then = an adverb, refers to immediately; at that time.



I need to stop at the gas station; then I will meet you there.


Ok, I shall see you then.


than = used after comparative adjectives; To compare.



Jim is taller than Mark.


I'm sorry, you need to speak louder than the television.








14. to, too, or two


to = a preposition.



If I want to pass, I need to study.


If you need me to write the report, I will.


too = an adverb, meaning in addition.



I wished that I was young, smart, and rich too.


two = a noun, a number.



If only the two of them knew what kind of trouble they are getting into.


I want you two to think about what you did.




15. were, where, or we're


were = the past tense of the verb "to be".



We were going to the mall but decided to go to the park.


I thought my cousins were going to stay in London for a week.


where = an adverb,refers to location.



Where can I find the dark chocolate?


Where is the new mall at?


Where were you going yesterday, when I called.


we're = a contraction for we are.



We're going to get lost in thsi city.


We're going to make history.


We're going to improve our English with ABC English Course.




16. irregardless or regardless


irregardless = I am truly sorry to say this but irregardless is not a word listed in dictionaries.


regardless = an adjective, meaning without regard or consideration.



Regardless of the mixed results, I still think Manny Pacquiao won the boxing match.







17. Ending sentences with a preposition


This is one area in English grammar that has been disputed by teachers and grammar experts for a very long time.


Many say that it is improper to end a sentence or question with a preposition.


Today, I want to go into this topic with our focus being on Formal and Informal language.


Formal = a type of written or spoken language that is on the most part proper grammar and vocabulary.



We went to Bali for the weekend. We have a lot of things to tell you. (Formal)


Went to Bali for the weekend. Lots to tell you. (Informal) Could be used in a text message. 


Informal = a type of written or spoken language that is free to use contractions, and grammar rules are not so strong.




(Incorrect) Who were the most articles written about?


(Correct) About whom were the most articles written?


It's ok to end a sentence with a preposition.




(Correct) To whom should I give this money?


(Also correct) Who should I give this money to?




18. The apostrophe (') for plural form 


Let me give you one rule to remember about the apostrophe.


Never use an apostrophe to form a plural word. Only use an "s" or an "es".





19. The dangling participle


First, we need to remember what participles are - Participles act as adjectives.


Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell which noun a participle phrase is modifing.


The noun that it is to modify may not be stated in the sentence. This is known as a dangling participle.



Sitting on the park bench, the sun disappeared behind the mountains.


"Sitting on the park bench" is the dangling participle.


Where is the noun?


Is this saying that the sun was sitting on the park bench? NO


To correct this we need a noun to modify.



Sitting on the park bench, I watched the sun disappear behind the mountains.




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