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Professional English Language Training
Common Mistakes in English


Professional English Language Training


May 2, 2015


By: Douglas Shaw


Most English Language courses provide general English, conversation or a combination of each area. In Business English most organizations will provide the program to be linked with the business setting.


At ABC English Course, our philosophy of English teaching and adult education is to provide the necessary stepping stones needed in an active linguistic environment to facilitate the best education that is needed to prepare the business person either just going into the work force or the seasoned businessman or woman to excel in their job. Our methodology is based upon true active learning by using role-plays, the multimedia and personal experiences to connect the material used and the everyday situations that may be seen in the office and personal life. By the use of this method, which gives the students a real connection with each lesson given, to their own life experience. 


By drawing on their knowledge of the world that we live in and realizing the differences of culture, students can immediately see the relevance of new language to their particular circumstances, and as a useful tool for their way of expression. 


Common Mistakes in English


May 2, 2015


By: Douglas Shaw


When I first became an English teacher in Indonesia I had the same perception that most first year teachers do. I thought to be a good teacher was to follow the rules of the system and to focus on the material, although it is important to follow the system and the material, but also not to lose site of you-the student. 

Each of us face the same delema when learning a second language, such as English. We have the thought in our mind, if being a Native speaker-that other people will understand what you are saying and if you are a non-native speaker- that I need to speak as a native speaker. In both cases we sometimes find it being very difficult.


So what if English is not your first language?


English can be a challenge, I admit.


English may be easy enough to get started and carry a conversation using the basics, like any language. But it takes practice to train ours ears to listen to the speaker either someone speaking or to listen to ourselves. Depending on each individual and the circumstance of the conversation this can be easy or very difficult. Don't lose hope! No need to be perfect with the language but just to be understood.



For more on this.......



What's really keeping you from fluency?


What's really keeping you from fluency?


May 18, 2015


By: Douglas Shaw



Do you ever feel stuck in your learning? Or even in your life?


Don't feel alone, you are not the only person which has experienced the same feelings.


It can be awful, frustrating and it can make you feel that it is time to give up.


When we are learning a language,such as English, and we hit a spot - we feel like no matter how much we practice, we remain at the same level - we barely progress.


The reason why this is such an unpleasent feeling is because when we first start learning and using English, our mind is only set for "I can speak", it is a great feeling to know that a Native speaker can understand me.

Soon, however, what were before great achievements become commonplace. They no longer seem like something to feel good about.


This period is not permanent and it can be changed. How? you might ask.


Who is to blame?





For more on this....... 





Texting while driving


Teens and Social Media. How do the mix?


May 26, 2015


By: Douglas Shaw



Being a teacher and parent, you can see just how teens and social media are connected. As we say.......


"Are you connected? or Are you wired?"


What this means is to be connected through Facebook, Twitter, BBM, Instagram, any of the social media outlets.


Being connected is facilitated by the great availability of smartphones and tablets. Many teens have at least one device;

I have actually seen some teens and adults have more than one device and use each at the same time.

Even I will testify to having several devices, but I do not use all at the same time. 


New reports have been released this year (2015), which show that 24 % of teens (12 -24 years of age) are constantly online, these reports continue by saying that 92 % of teens going online daily.


Our mobile devices are very convenient and this gives us the ability to be connected with our friends, family and our office.

Nearly three-quarters of teens now have their device or devices.


As teens get their smartphones, they build their social networks through a variety of methods of communication and sharing at their disposal.


For more on this......... 





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