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Interesting facts about "Texting while Driving"


Texting while driving is a topic that everyone needs to understand and learn about the dangers associated with trying to combine - driving a vehicle and operating a smartphone at the same time.


Ok, I would like to ask you to have an open mind and be ready for the cold hard truth about this subject.


In my other articles I have focused on teens more than all drivers, the reason for this is , texting while driving has been affecting teens more than adults. I will say this though, texting while driving affects everyone.





It is not only against the law in many parts of the world, but can also turn a harmless drive into a life changing nightmare. 


Just think about this, you look away for a split second, and didn't notice that the vehicle you were driving changed lanes into oncoming traffic. Yes, you might be lucky enough to look up in time to save yourself and others. But so many people are not that lucky.


  • Texting and driving is dangerous

  • Texting and driving does kill, as it has far to many times.

Here are a few facts to look at.......


These facts should help you see and understand that texting and driving, do not mix.


Distracted driving is defined while doing something else that takes your attention away from the road.


Distracted driving is divided into 3 different categories

  • Visual - someting that takes a driver's eyes off the road.

  • Manual - something that takes a driver's hands off the wheel.

  • Cognitive - something that takes a driver's mind off of driving.


80 % of automobile accidents involve some form of distraction, but texting while driving falls into all three categories. Smartphones are involved in 1.6 million auto accidents every year.

Of all the activites related to distracted driving, texting while driving is, by far, the most dangerous.


  • By listening or talking the risk increases by 1.3 times

  • Reaching for your device the risk increases by 1.4 times

  • But "Texting while Driving" makes an accident 23 times more likely to happen. 







If those facts are not sufficient enough; here are more to think about.


  • Research tells us that teens have the reaction time of a 70 year old when distracted while driving.


  • The risk of having an auto accident is 4 times higher when a driver uses the smartphone, whether using Bluetooth (Hands Free) or not.


  • The AAA (Traffic Safety), studied nearly 1,700 videos of teens actions, moments before a crash. It found that distractions were a factor in nearly 6 out 10 moderate to severe accidents. 


However, just because teens text frequently doesn't mean adults are completely innocent.


  • 48 % of teen drivers report seeing their parents texting while driving.

  • 48 % of children aged 12 - 17 report of having been in a vehicle while the driver was texting. 





Being a teacher, I have asked many students about their feelings on "Texting while Driving" The response was very shocking. Many students have said that it is not a big deal  to them because they know that their parents are always talking and texting on the smartphone while driving. " Nothing has happened to them yet........"


Life is more important than that incoming message or call... 


Ok, now do you see that texting and driving don't mix?


Call to Action


Ok, now that you have taken time to read this, I hope that I was successful in making a connection with you.


Of course, using the smartphones are very convenient but do not lose sight of reality.


The smartphone has its place and proper time to be in your hand.


  • If you need to transit (take a vehicle) -  let everyone know before you get into the vehicle, that you will be away from your phone.

  • If you are with family - this is family time; your device can be replaced but those moments with family will never be replaced if missed.

  • If you are on a date - with that girlfriend or boyfriend / husband and wife; leave the phone where it belongs in your purse or pocket.  


What I am telling you is common sense


If something or someone needs your full attention then give your full attention.





































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